Want to be more persuasive in a one-on-one conversation with a customer? According to Noah Goldstein, co-author (with Robert Cialdini) of Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, if you mimic the other person’s body language you are more likely to close that sale.

Goldstein says that in research conducted in a retail setting, sales people who subtly mimicked customers’ speech and behavior were more successful at selling than those who didn’t.

78.8% | Purchased the test-product from mimickers
61.8% | Purchased the test-product from nonmimickers

Customers who were mimicked also indicated they felt more positive about the salespeople and the store.

via | This Is How To Easily Improve Your Body Language: 4 Proven Secrets | Barking Up the Wrong Tree
HT | LifeHacker.com

Photo | Thinkstock

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