Some of us at are so into Etsy, the marketplace for unique goods, we forget the rest of the internet exists. We love it so much, we think some of Etsy’s best advice would help any small business that has a retail presence on the web. Here are six tips from Etsy that can help you grow in a uniquely good way.

1. Create a great name.


(Image: crispin via

Your name is the first thing your users will see, so create a name—and a logo—that reflect the integrity of the product you’re selling. The name should also at least hint at the sorts of items you’ll sell.

2. Create a cohesive site.



(Header and Site: ClothandPatina via

Make sure that the various elements of your site fit together—a professional look inspires confidence in your shoppers. If your header matches your images, and your fonts and style are consistent throughout your site, users will feel more of a connection to your shop and the products you’re selling.

3. Maintain a well-stocked inventory.

lost ark warehouse

You don’t have to stock millions of items to get started, but once you determine your top-selling items, keep those items in inventory and ready to ship at all times.You’ll draw rave reviews for your customer service and boost your revenue stream.

4. Target a specific audience.


(Image: thinkmedialabs via

Keeping tip No. 3 in mind, figure out what demographic your shop appeals to most, and stock items that will appeal to that group. This will reduce your inventory costs and storage needs.

5. Sell a product you love.


(Image: HomeGrownSilverStone via

If you believe in your product, your passion will show through the work you put into your site. Your customers will see the difference, and they’ll be inspired to buy from such an enthusiastic vendor. Plus, by selling something you love, you’ll be motivated to continually put effort into your site.

6. Take great pictures.


(Before and After Images: KarensMonsters via

Selling online means that the only interaction most of your customers will have with your products is through the pictures on your site. Make them count! A well-lit, attractive photo draws readers in. Customers also will probably have questions about size, texture and color of your products. Make sure your photos answer as many of these questions as possible ahead of time, or include them in the descriptions.


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