Small business owners indicated they are are not satisfied with the candidates for president, nor overly optimistic about the future state of their businesses in a recent survey commissioned by Sage, the accounting, payroll and payment systems software company.
See also on |For a different twist on measuring the political leanings of small business owners and managers, see: “The Political Leanings of Small Business | 2016″
Dissatisfaction with candidate choices
49% | “Fairly dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with presidential candidate choices
What former president, living or not, the respondents would want to serve again
28% | Ronald Reagan
15% | Bill Clinton
13% | John Kennedy
Political party to which they self-identified themselves
34% | Democrats
25% | Republicans
25% | Independents
The survey also asked questions to measure the business owners’ outlooks toward the economy in general
Pessimistic about the present
23% | Plan to invest in new technology in 2016
32% | Plan to cut expenses in 2016
49% | Think the economy in 2016 will be the same as 2015
Pessimistic about the future
32% | Expect higher taxation (after the election)
19% | Expect more government regulation
35% | Expect increasingly competitive environment
The survey was administered by Qualtrics to 301 Sage customers across the U.S. in early June 2016. All respondents were small business owners, founders and presidents with 1-50 employees.
Photos via WikiMedia Commons | CC BY-SA 4.0 | Clinton by George Skidmore, Trump by BU Rob13