History can teach many lessons about starting and running a small business. In many ways, the history of civilization is interwoven with the history of small farms, tradesmen and merchants.
Featured Resources for History
When the Time for Action Arrives Stop Thinking and Go In | Andrew Jackson | #Motivation
Andrew Jackson was born 250 years ago today, on March 15, 1767.
Celebrating Red, White and Blue on SmallBusiness.com
Here are some yankee doodle dandy articles that have appeared on SmallBusiness.com during the past two years.
This Sixth-Generation Family Business Lights Up the 4th of July Sky
Carrying on a tradition started in 1850, Grucci Fireworks is now in its sixth generation as a family business.
This American Small Business Celebrates Flag Day All Year
Founded in 1847, America’s oldest and largest flag company is still family owned and operated.
3 Lessons from the Business Successes, Failures of U.S. Presidents
For President’s Day, three stories that have appeared on SmallBusiness.com about U.S. Presidents and the lessons in success and failure they provide.
Preserving in Photography the Disappearing Face of New York’s Small Business Store Fronts
Store Front II continues a couple’s quest to capture the images of New York’s disappearing family owned and operated street-level shops.