No doubt, you have a quick and easy answer to anyone who asks, “What does your company do?” “We sell sprockets,” you answer. See, that was easy.

And it’s likely you have a ready response when someone asks, “How does your company do that better than the competition?”

“We have more experience, superior products, better service and lower prices than other sprocket companies.” Again, easy.

But do you have an answer to the most important question?


“Why does your company exist?”

Knowing the answer to that question can be the key to becoming a great company, says Simon Sinek, author of the classic and perennial bestselling book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action*.

If you’re one of the 26,896,719 people (as of 5/17/2016) who have watched Senik’s TEDx presentation, you’ll understand the importance of the question, “Why does your company exist?” It should be the foundation of your business. The how and what are based on the why. It is what separates you from others. It is what makes your company unique and special.


Most companies start with the what and how and never get around to the why.


The answer shouldn’t be “to make money,” Sinek says. Money can be the result of why you exist, but not the why if you want to maximize your opportunity for greatness, he explains.

Great companies start with honest and heartfelt answers to “Why?” Sinek says.

Such companies never manipulate; they inspire.

Their customers don’t support them because they have to; they do so because they want to.

Why does your company exist?

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