The State of Small Business in the State of the Union Address
The term “small business” has consistently scored 2-3 mentions in the State of the Union Addresses of President Obama. And once, in 2010, it nearly scored off the chart, literally.
News and context about events that have an impact on small business.
The term “small business” has consistently scored 2-3 mentions in the State of the Union Addresses of President Obama. And once, in 2010, it nearly scored off the chart, literally.
A list of the new members of the U.S. House of Representatives with business ownership on their bios.
If you own or run a small business that has moved into another era since the 2008 financial meltdown and subsequent deep and long recession, congratulations. For you, these employment numbers indicate a much deserved experience called a “recovery.”
Non-stop coverage of everything going wrong in the world has hidden a couple of amazing things about the US economy.