In a survey of 531 small business owners conducted on Facebook Feb. 29 – March 14, small business owners are losing faith in candidates running for President. The survey was released yesterday (3.30.2016) by the online lending company OnDeck. According to the small business owners surveyed, 34 percent have no confidence in any of the current candidates in either political party. That is up from the 25 percent who indicated they had no confidence when surveyed last fall.

Do you have confidence in any of the current presidential candidates?

Percentage of small business owners surveyed

34% | No

What are the three most critical issues to small business owners?

67% | Economic growth
46% | Tax policy
35 % | Healthcare costs

What can the federal government do to help small businesses in the short term?

36% | Cut taxes
19% | Reduce healthcare costs
13% | Invest in improving infrastructure
13% | Cease increases in minimum wage

Why candidates care what matters to small business owners

90% | Say they voted in last presidential election
95% | Are registered voters
30% | Made campaign contribution to a major party candidate in the last election
25% | Have already made a political donation during this primary election season

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