70% | Percentage of shoppers who confessed they still had shopping to do in the last week before Christmas. Here are some retail strategy tips to capture last-minute shoppers from Google.
- Also, don’t forget to change any special hours on your Google Business listing.
1 | Make it easy for last minute shoppers to discover and purchasse gifts
- With more purchase options than ever, people feel overwhelmed by decisions, and it’s tough for brands to differentiate themselves. How do you make smart business decisions to meet customers at every moment of intent? Make discovery easy.
2 | When it’s too late to purchase and deliver online, be available offline
- During the final days before Christmas, last-minute shoppers turn to local retailers to find gifts. Last year, searches for “where to buy” peaked on December 22 (a Friday). And searches for “store hours” peaked on Christmas Eve, the highest day of the year.
- Shoppers use mobile to search for local businesses, store hours, directions, wait times, contact information, and increasingly, product availability.
Source: Google/Ipsos, U.S., Omnichannel Holiday Study