We’d like to feature a photo of your business, or your favorite local hometown businesses, on the top of each page of SmallBusiness.com. All you need to do is email us (Tips@SmallBusiness.com) and attach or point to the photo.

To be considered, your photo should tell a story, be horizontal, look awesome and celebrate a specific small business, its owner or workers. We like photos that show people at their work. The photo should be dark enough to allow the SmallBusiness.com logo to be seen in the header.

We are sorry that we can’t feature all submissions.

Currently featured business

Businesses: Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Previously featured businesses

Business: Zaharakos Ice Cream Parlor and Museum, Columbus, Indiana
Website: Zaharakos.com (Note: Turn off sound.)
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: Historic 25th Street, Ogden, Utah
Website: Historic25.com
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: Boulder, Colorado | Pearl Street Mall
Website: BoulderDowntown.com
Photo: BoulderDowntown.com and Google Maps Street View

Businesses: Grand Avenue | St. Paul, Minnesota
Website: Grand Avenue Business Association
Photos: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: 12th Avenue South (The Gultch) | Nashville, Tennessee
Website: ExploreTheGulch.com
Photos: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: Granby Street, Charleston, South Carolina
Website: DownTownNorfolk.org
Photos: Google Maps Street View and WikiMedia Commons

Previously featured businesses

Businesses: Businesses on Magazine Street, New Orleans
Website: Magazine Street Merchants Association (MagazineStreet.com)
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: University Street, Palo Alto, California
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: Napa, California
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: King Street, Charleston, South Carolina
Website: CharlestonCVB.com
Photo: Google Maps Street View

Businesses: University Avenue, North Park, San Diego, California
Website: North Park Planning Committee
Photo: Google Maps Street View

 Telluride, Colorado
Website: VisitTelluride.com
Photo: Telluride Tourism Board


Businesses: Businesses on Broadway, New Year’s Eve, Nashville, Tennessee
Website: VisitMusicCity.com
Photo: Nashville Convention and Tourism Bureau


Businesses: Glendale, California
Photo: Chris Yarzab via Flick (CC BY 2.0)

Business: Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland, Frankenmuth, Michigana
Website: Bronners.com
Photo: Google Maps


Business: Businesses along Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon
Website: DownTownMcMinnville.com
Photo: Downtown McMinnville Association


Business: Businesses in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania
Website: ChestnutHillPA.com
Photo: Chestnut Hill Business Association


Business: Col. Littleton Private Stock Store, Lynnville, Tenn.
Website: ColonelLittleton.com
Photo: ColonelLittleton.com

SPECIAL EVENT | Veteran’s Day Header Photo: Credit – Coast Guard News via Flickr | A child of a New York area Coast Guard service member waves the American Flag while marching in New York City’s Veterans Day Parade, November 11, 2013.

veterans_day 1


BeaufortSC 2

Business: Businesses in Downtown Beaufort, SC
Website: DownTownBeaufort.com
Photo: Main Street Beaufort, USA

Pensacola, Fla.

Business: Businesses along Palofax Street. Pensacola, Florida
Website: VisitPensacola.com
Photo: VisitPensacola.com

Business: Businesses along Park Street, U.S. 1, Rockland, Maine
Website: Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce
Photos: Hannah Johns via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) and Google Maps.


Business: Velo Cult Bike Shop, Portland, Ore.  A bike repair shop that keeps it interesting with beers on tap, a coffee bar, regular live music & films.
Website: VeloCult.com
Photo: VeloCult.com

shanes confectionery

Business: Shane Confectionery, Philadelphia (The longest continuously operated candy shop in the U.S.)
Website: ShaneCandies.com
Photo: Google Inside


Business: Calliope Arts, Louisville, Ky.
Website: Calliope-Arts.com
Photo: Calliope-Arts.com

Business: Lucky Dog Barkery, Dallas, Texas
Website: TheLuckyDogBarkery.com
Photo: Google “Look Inside”

Bubbly Paws

Business: Bubbly Paws Dog Wash and Dog Spa, Minneapolis & St. Paul
Website: BubblyPaws.com
Photo: BubblyPaws.com

men carving lettering in granite stone

Business: The Johns Stevens Shop, Newport, Rhode Island, Founded in 1705
Website: JohnStevensShop.com
Photo: Johns Stevens Shop
See also on SmallBusiness.com:For 309 Years, This Small Business Has Chiseled American History in Stone

daves coffee

Business: Dave’s Coffee, Providence, Rhode Island
Website: DavesCoffeeStore.com
Photo: Google Maps


Business: Tinkering Monkey, Oakland, California
Website: TinkeringMonkey.com
Photo: Tinkering Monkey
See also on SmallBusiness.com:Hand-crafted Marketing Inspiration from the Makers at Tinkering Monkey

pooles diner raleigh north carolina

Business: Poole’s Downtown Diner, Raleigh, NC
Website: http://ac-restaurants.com/pooles
Photo: Ron Cogswell via Flickr, (CC BY 2.0)

pinewood social in nashville tennessee

Business: Pinewood Social, Nashville, Tenn.
Website: PinewoodSocial.com
Photo: SmallBusiness.com

shywood eyewear

Business: Shwood Eyewear, Portland, Ore.
Website: Shwoodshop.com
Photo: Shwoodshop.com

Business: Imogene + Willie, Nashville, Tenn.
Website: ImogeneAndWillie.com
Photo: Google Business View

flying pigeon bike shop

Business: Flying Pigeon LA
Website: flyingpigeon-la.com
Photo: Umberto Brayj via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)