Parkopedia, a Yelp-like web-based service for finding parking lots, has announced it will start providing data to users of Apple Maps.
Parkopeida, accessible via its website or mobile apps, allows drivers to find the closest parking to their destination and tells them how much it will cost and whether or not a space is available. Parkopedia also allows drivers to pay for parking online, through a mobile app.
Users will now be able to find parking lots via the Parkopedia iOS app and then click through from Apple Maps to more detailed information including pricing, user reviews, special offers and real-time space availability. Users will also be able to make reservations.
Parkopedia has information about parking lots in 75 countries and provides information to drivers of several models of cars, including such as BMW, Ford, Jaguar Land Rover, Peugeot, Toyota, Volvo, an VW, as well as via devices from companies like Garmin.
Parkopedia provides information on 40 million parking spaces in over 150,000 facilities across 6,000 cities in 75 countries; including real-time parking space availability information in over 500 cities in 30 countries.
VIA | MacRumors
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