According to the Associated Press, many small businesses have found a way to temporarily sidestep some of the headaches brought on by Obamacare (Affordable Care Act).


“Huber Capital Management…is renewing its health insurance policy early, in 2013 instead of 2014. By renewing its policy this year, the company doesn’t have to buy insurance that conforms to the requirements of the new health-care law. And it won’t have the surge in premium rates expected under the Affordable Care Act…The Obama administration says it won’t force employers with at least 50 workers to comply with the ACA until 2015, but the law will still affect businesses. The administration has delayed only the paperwork requirements for those companies. But any company that offers health insurance, including very small businesses, will still have to contend with the rest of the law starting Jan. 1. And that includes new insurance policies with government-mandated types of coverage.”

Full Story: Small Businesses Temporarily Sidestep Health Law

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