According to its COO Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook has reached another milestone: 20 million small businesses are using Facebook Pages. But only a small fraction of those are spending money on any of Facebook’s ad products, reports Matt McGee of Marketing Land
“It’s really hard to get small businesses to use technology products,” Sandberg said today about the 20 million page milestone, “and we haven’t done many aggressive efforts to make that happen.” That actually depends on your definition of the word “many.” For the past 18 months or so, Facebook has been doing feet-on-the-street outreach in small towns, in an attempt to introduce small businesses to Facebook’s products. With 20 million Pages, but only a million advertisers, Sandberg conceded that “only a small fraction” of the Page owners are advertising on Facebook, and that’s something the company wants to change.
( follow-up question: “When you say, ‘It’s really hard to get small businesses to use technology products,’ what did those 20 million small businesses use to set up a page, then?”)
Read the full story: Facebook: 20 Million Small Businesses Have Pages, Small Fraction Are Advertisers (