As a small business office kitchen is likely to be among its most popular meeting (or hiding) places, it’s essential that it be stocked with the basics. And yes, we were required to start off with what’s Head Helper considers the most essential of essentials.
1. Coffee (Maker & Supplies)
(Photo: via wikimedia commons)
Coffee is a necessity for early mornings, so you’ll want to have an easy-to-use machine, flavorful coffee and cream and sugar on hand. Also, it’s helpful to have whatever trendy sugar substitute your employees require this month. Allow some storage room for cups or mugs that suit your employee’s preferences.
2. Cutlery
(Image: crossettlibrary via
There’s no need to go all out, but make sure you’re prepared for spontaneous office celebrations for when you land the Spacely Sprokets account. Stay green with recyclable forks, knives, spoons, paper plates and cups. That way you’ll be ready wherever an afternoon calls for birthday cake.
3. Sharp knife
(Image: paulworthinton via
Keep ’em sharp–there’s nothing worse than a dull knife. Unless, perhaps, it’s that dull client at Spacely Sprockets who just fired you.
4. Can/bottle opener
(Image: photos via
Let’s say one of those aforementioned celebrations happens late on a Friday afternoon at the end of a really, really busy project that launched successfully. A can opener will come in handy.
5. Toaster
(Image: timothymorgan via
Because some things just don’t work in a microwave, we need to turn to the skills we learned in college. In our dorm room. When Pop-tarts were one of the major food groups.
6. Water
(Image: jo.sullivan59 via
Some of us have parents who claim they once got their drinking water from a tap. If you don’t have some form of filtration system, we advise at least a Brita pitcher.
7. Paper towels
You will never regret having paper towels on hand in the kitchen and throughout the office. We have no idea who this person is, but we’re told she has something do with paper towels and that she dated a guy named Mr. Whipple.
8. Dish soap
(Image: francescadefritas via
No one wants to see days’ worth of dishes accumulated in the kitchen sink. You never know who will mistake it for a batch of vegetable soup.
9. Plastic wrap & plastic baggies
(Image: furryscalyman via
You’ll have tons of uses for plastic wrap and baggies. These two items will help keep those brownies your coworker brought in fresh for days–and could be used for some great office pranks.
See all of the Checklists of Essentials.
(Special thanks to Julia Boklage who doesn’t need a checklist,
but was nice enough to provide this one.)