Because of its dominance in web search, it is critical that information regarding your company be correctly and fully displayed wherever Google provides directory-like information about your business. Google even lets you manage the directory content on the results page with a product called Reserve by Google. Guide to Managing a Listing on Google Search and Maps
This is not the type of marketing called “search engine optimization” (SEO) that is effective, but requires time and resources to master and manage. These are basic directory features, the kind that Google allows a business owner or employee to manage directly on Google Maps and Google business profiles.

How to get your reservation and booking feature displayed on Google Maps and your business profile pages

Reserve with Google is only available in certain countries to businesses that work with a supported scheduling provider and have opted to receive bookings through Google. In other words, it is not a feature that you set up directly with Google, but is integrated into your scheduling software provider.
These scheduling, appointment and booking software providers listed below currently offer (or will soon) Reserve with Google features. If you don’t see your provider listed, contact them directly as this list is fast-growing. (Click on the logos to link to a provider.)