The SBA’s National Small Business Week is May 1-7, 2022
The virtual summit will acknowledge small businesses from across the country for their resilience, ingenuity, and creativity.
Don’t risk your business! Here is some information on how and why you should protect your small business in the event of a natural diaster.
Before you find yourself, your business and your employees snowed in, flooded or blown away by high winds, you need to establish an extreme weather plan.
Steps you should take to make sure you are fully covered by the types of insurance that can help your business survive most types of disaster.
Links to federal and state (and U.S. territories) agencies that provide disaster preparation and relief services.
Only 51 percent of business owners of companies with less than 300 employees believe it’s important to have a plan for disaster preparation and recovery
Today, through perseverance, hard work and believing New Orleans is a great culinary destination, there are more restaurants open now than before Katrina.
What is key-person insurance and why your business should have it.
Places to find answers to snow and winter weather questions — and resources for when that weather turns into a disaster for your small business.
Homeland Security provides free courses, materials, and workshops to better prepare your business to deal with an active shooter situation.
The FEMA app is a tool packed with emergency and disaster resources you hope you’ll never need.
Disasters come in all shapes and sizes. Here’s help from Homeland Security on preparing for disasters, big and small.
It’s as if small businesses were saying, “it could never happen to me.”
How to apply for an SBA disaster loan
More resources to help plan for and recover from a small business disaster.
According to the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, annual workplace fatalities crossed 5,000 workers for the first time in 2016.
Whether it’s a hurricane, fire, flood, earthquake or tornado, there is help before a disaster and during recovery.
The virtual summit will acknowledge small businesses from across the country for their resilience, ingenuity, and creativity.
Here’s what the next wave of small business owners will be keeping top of mind as they turn their business dreams into a reality in 2022.
For more than 50 years, the U.S. Small Business Administration has celebrated National Small Business Week (NSBW), which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.
With holiday shopping sales starting earlier, Thanksgiving weekend (including Small Business Saturday) now helps start the holiday season rather than the Friday kickoff it once was.
The importance of supporting local businesses remained top of mind for many consumers.
A national marketing event that reminds consumers why it is important to support small and local business.