While the SmallBusiness.com WIKI has been around for several years, the addition of what we’ve nicknamed “flowing content” (the type of posts you’re reading now) only appeared four months ago, on November 1, 2013. (For more on who “we” are, visit our About page.) We thought then we’d wait to add commenting to the site until later this spring, but have decided to activate them now.

Why did we wait four months to start comments? Time and resources: too little of either. We’ve managed the contributions of 20,000+ registered editors of the SmallBusiness.com WIKI for several years and know what it can be like when ones time gets consumed by efforts to keep a community focused on helping one-another rather than trying to root out a spammer committed to adding a link anywhere possible.

So we decided to get the “flowing” site up and running and have an initial period of experimentation before adding comments.

Now that we have them, please use them. We can all learn from one another.

You can help us keep the comments lively and helpful, also. If you see someone that’s spamming or acting discourteous or inappropriate, flag the comment and someone will look into the abuse.

We are committed to helping small businesses discover (from each other) the knowledge that can help us all make better decisions everyday.





Rex Hammock
SmallBusiness.com Head Helper

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