In a wonderful coincidence of national promotions, May is the month that celebrates both “Small Business Week” and “Ride Your Bike to Work Week,” (a part of “National Bike Month). It turns out, there are reasons that small retail and service businesses should support efforts to make their neighborhoods and Main Streets more bicycle friendly.:

1. A New York City study revealed that bicyclists spend more money while shopping in their neighborhood.


(Photo: Dottie B. via Flickr)

Source: East Village Shoppers Survey (PDF)

2. A Portland, Ore., study revealed that bicyclists also spend more money there while shopping in their neighborhoods.



Source: Portland State University study (PDF)

3. Research by two University of Cincinnati professors reveals that proximity to biking trails and paths can add significantly to the value of a home. Thus proving, no matter where you live, bicycling is good for business.


(Photo: Ken Zirkel via Flickr)

Source: New Research Finds that Homeowners and City Planners Should ‘Hit the Trail’ When Considering Property Values

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