If you’ve ever wondered if your tweets are seen by more than your mom, or if they merely enter a giant hole after you hit the “tweet button,” now you can know. Today, Twitter started roling out its analytics dashboard to a broader audience.
The Twitter activity dashboard is available to users who primarily tweet in English, French, Japanese, and Spanish, and have had an account for at least 14 days. On the company’s blog, the company said it is working to roll it out to everyone so target=”_blank”>Twitter announced it in in the process of rolling out its “analytics dashboard,” previously available advertisers and “verified” users. Following in the steps of other social media attempting to monetize their vast size by selling ads via a self-service model, Twitter’s analytics are designed primarily to measure the effectiveness of a users ads. However, the panel can also help you to:
- See how people engage with your Tweets in real time
- See how your Tweets trend over time
- Get a detailed view of the number of Retweets, replies, favorites, follows or clicks a tweet receives
- Download your Tweet metrics
Where is the Twitter Analytics Dashboard found?
Log into analytics.twitter.com with your Twitter username and password. The Tweet activity dashboard is available to users who primarily tweet in English, French, Japanese, and Spanish, and have had an account for at least 14 days. We’re working to roll this out to everyone soon.
Metrics you can track on Twitter’s analytics dashboard
- App install attempts: Clicks to install an app via the Tweet’s Card
- App opens: Clicks to open an app via the Tweet’s Card
- Detail expands: Clicks on the Tweet to view more details
- Embedded media clicks: Clicks to view a photo or video in the Tweet
- Engagements: Total number of times a user interacted with a Tweet. Clicks anywhere on the Tweet, including retweets, replies, follows, favorites, links, cards, hashtags, embedded media, username, profile photo, or Tweet expansion
- Engagement rate: Number of engagements divided by impressions
- Favorites: Times a user favorited the Tweet
- Follows: Times a user followed you directly from the Tweet
- Hashtag clicks: Clicks on hashtag(s) in the Tweet
- Impressions: Times a user is served a Tweet in timeline or search results
- Leads submitted: Times a user submitted his/her info via Lead Generation Card in the Tweet
- Link clicks: Clicks on a URL or Card in the Tweet
- Permalink clicks: Clicks on the Tweet permalink (desktop only)
- Replies: Times a user replied to the Tweet
- Retweets: Times a user retweeted the Tweet
- Shared via email: Times a user emailed the Tweet to someone
- User profile clicks: Clicks on the name, @handle, or profile photo of the Tweet author