Information and advice about employees, human resources and other topics related a small business workforce. Related terms: HR, staff, benefits.
Featured Resources for Employees
Trucking Companies Are Challenged to Find Drivers
While many U.S. industries are in need of employees, one of the most desperate needs are for truck drivers.
Five Things A Small Business Can do to Reduce Employee Theft
Recognizing behavior that may indicate an employee is involved in criminal activity.
How to Hire Employees: Tips From the SBA
Protect workers’ rights and your business by adhering to labor laws
How Pre-Employment Background Checks Can Protect Your Small Business
The negative impact of a bad hire is much greater in a small company where relatively few people are responsible for so much.
It’s Super Bowl Monday. Do You Know Where Your Employees Are?
With 17.2 million missing employees, today is anticipated to be the largest-ever anticipated day of “Super Bowl-related absenteeism” since the phenomena started being tracked in 2005. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)
What is a ‘Nonemployer Business’? | 2018
The U.S. Code of federal statutes contains the term “small business” 1,034 times. Terms like microbusiness or biz are mentioned nowhere in the code.