Employees of companies — large and small — are bracing for the ongoing impacts of Covid-19. They are worried about job security, travel, and the negative long-term impact their on businesses, according to new survey data from the outsourced human resources company, Zenefits.*
43% | Percentage of survey respondents who are concerned with there being a long-term negative impact from Covid-19 on the company they work for.
80% | Would stay home if they exhibited symptoms
Reasons cited by employees for why they would continue to come to work, even if sick.
25% | Said they couldn’t afford to stay home from work
21% | They didn’t have sick days or paid time off saved up
20% | They doubted the illness they have is the coronavirus
17% | No one else is trained or able to do their job
13% | Said they feel pressure to show up from their supervisors, even if sick
These worries persist despite the fact the majority of respondents (62%) agreed their employers’ response to concerns about the virus has been “appropriate and measured.”
54% | Percentage of respondents who agreed they were “more concerned” about traveling to or working in a company office or facility because of the coronavirus.
55% | Believe the impact to productivity would be minimal if their company asked personnel to work from home.
80% | Percentage of respondents agreed that they would stay home if they exhibited symptoms.
Why would 20% not go to work, even if they exhibited the symptoms of Covid-19?
25% | Said they couldn’t afford to stay home from work
21% | Said they didn’t have sick days or paid time off saved up
20% | Said they doubted the illness they have is the coronavirus
17% | Said no one else is trained or able to do their job
13% | Said they feel pressure to show up from their supervisors even sick
The reaction by small business employees to the spread of the Covid-19 could be a major turning point in the adoption of remote work, according to the majority of employees who participated in the survey.
66% | Percentage of survey participants who said the reaction to the virus by businesses means “more companies will be open to, or enact more, flexibility to work remotely.”
55% | Percentage of survey participants who said if their employers required employees to work from home it would have minimal impact on productivity.
*The online survey conducted by Zenefits of 1,101 full-time employees based in the United States at companies with at least 20 employees. The survey was conducted between March 10-11, 2020.