According to Search Engine Land, on Friday Google started rolling out its much anticipated update of Penguin, the magical and mysterious algorithm that serves as Google search’s secret sauce. More important, Penguin is the front line of Google’s battle with anyone trying to “trick” Google with “black hat” SEO methods.
However, if you suddenly see your company’s website ranking drop, it may not be that Penguin is penalizing your site directly. According to Search Engine Land, it may be more indirect. Part of what Google is doing is analyzing sites for bogus backlinks. (Fake links hosted on websites set up solely for SEO purposes.) While everything on your website may be Penguin complaint, it is possible that your site had incoming “fake links” that may have previously benefitted your ranking that have now lost their credit.
All those links, even if you had nothing to do with them pointing your way, are no longer benefitting your site.
As we’ve said a few times, if you think SEO means trying to trick Google engineers, you’re up against the best engineers in the world who are protecting the Goose that lays their golden eggs.
A better approach to search marketing: Fill your website with helpful content for your customers.